Less than an hr before I entered the 38th week of my pregnancy, I started experiencing some sort of contractions. I was told by the doctor that I should head to the hospital when the contraction comes every 10 minutes so I started paying attention to it.
The pain became stronger and stronger and I wasn’t in the mood of doing anything other than lying on my bed. Although I couldn’t tell how frequent the contraction was, we decided to head to the hospital at 3 am.
When we reached the hospital, the nurse put some sort of equipment on my tummy to measure the fetal heartbeat as well as uterus contraction. There really was contraction every 10 minutes or so so she tried to check my cervix using her fingers. It hurt a lot! Unfortunately, my cervix didn’t dilate but still I was advised to stay there.
I hardly had any sleep overnight due to the pain. The doctor came in the morning and by then my cervix was only 1 cm dilated so she decided to wait for another 3 hours.
3 hours later, the contraction, dilation, pain whatsoever were still the same, so she used medication to ripen my cervix in order to induce labour. Unfortunately, it didn’t work and she said if there’s no miracle the next morning then I should go for a caesarean.
Having a caesarean has never come to my mind unless there’s a medical need as I thought that vagina birth is the best for both the mother and the baby. I was also scared of having an injection on my spine for anaesthesia and even if I went for a natural birth I would avoid having an epidural.
Unfortunately, there was no miracle overnight and so I ended up having a caesarean. I had to fast starting from midnight to minimise the chance of vomiting during the surgery. After I got changed into the surgical gown, I was taken to the operation room ready for the surgery. After having given an injection on my spine for anaesthesia and the doctor made sure that it was indeed working, the surgery started.
Although I didn’t feel any pain, I did feel the doctor doing something on my tummy. Shortly after that, I heard the baby cried. Our son finally came to the world.
I had to stay in bed for 24 hrs after the surgery and could only have liquid after 6 hrs. Once the doctor came the following morning, I had all tubes removed and could get out of bed, and even had the chance to see and feed the baby, as well as started having soft food.
I left the hospital 3 days after the caesarian section. However, the baby had to stay for a little bit longer for some medical examinations.