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Labour induction vs Caesarien

I do wonder how many people are actually reading this page.

Anyway, I am currently 30 weeks pregnant so not long to go until we can see our baby. For those who are interested, IT’S A BOY!!!!! Although we have always wanted a girl, a healthy boy is good enough already.

We have been going for prenatal checkups both in the public and private sectors. In Hong Kong, under normal circumstances, the public sector will only offer 1 ultrasound scan at around 11 weeks. If you wish to do more than that, you will have to go private.

We have been going for ultrasound scans almost once a month. In recent scans, we were told that our baby is bigger than his gestational age. His belly and head are around 1-2 weeks bigger, and legs are almost 3 weeks longer.

In Hong Kong, it’s a legal requirement to start your maternity leave at least 2 weeks prior to your expected date of confinement, i.e. at 38 weeks. Since it’s not uncommon for first time mothers to give birth later than the due date, I have always been worried that I might have to sit at home doing nothing from 38 weeks until 41 weeks. However, during the recent appointment, the doctor told me not to worry at all. It’s almost certain that I either need to have an induced labour or a caesarean at around 38 or 39 weeks as it’s unlikely that I can give birth in a completely natural way due to the baby’s size.

Apparently, labour induction hurts a lot more than labour that starts on its own. With scoliosis (a curvature on the spine), having an epidural might not work on me. I am so worried that I will have to experience hours of pain. More importantly, if the induction doesn’t work out in the end, I will need an emergency caesarean, meaning that I need to experience the pain from both the induction and caesarean.

On the other hand, having a caesarean is a surgery. I will have a wound and a scar. It will also take me longer to recover than if I opt for an induction.

We are going for a maternity shoot in less than 2 weeks. Hopefully my tummy will be big enough for good pictures.


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